2004 The Rhododendron

  • Date: 22nd January 2016

I noted in the 2003 volume of The Rhododendron that member feedback is valued as a check on whether the Journal is properly reflecting members’ interests. It was pleasing that feedback that we did receive was generally positive. However, the more responses we get, the better placed we’ll be in trying to meet your preferences.

We hope you enjoy reading this year’s volume. On behalf of all our readers I sincerely thank those who have provided contributions.
We need you, too

Or, more pertinently, we need your contributions to The Rhododendron, too.
Everyone’s an “expert” at some things, and when they share their expertise this can bring greater enjoyment and success to others’ gardening efforts. I know that I’ve gained great benefit over the years from generous encouragement and sharing of information (not to mention plants) by a large cast of friends and acquaintances made within gardening circles. And one of the ways I’ve enjoyed these benefits is by reading what they have contributed to publications like The Rhododendron.

You needn’t be shy about getting into print. Whenever I see or hear somebody who I think has something relevant to contribute which would be interesting in print, I try to encourage them to get thinking on doing something about it. And I’m always happy to give them whatever help I can to work up their ideas or turn notes into a publication version, if that’s what they want. I know that the members of the Editorial Committee based in Victoria (Lesley Eaton), Hobart (Ken Gillanders), Emu Valley (Maurie Kupsch), and Adelaide (Allan Kerr Grant) would do likewise, as would our Editor Richard Francis. We’re not necessarily talking about blockbuster articles. Brief articles can be very good value…

Editorial · Barry Stagoll...............................................................................3
The President’s Report · Lesley Eaton..........................................................5
Annual Report for the Year 2003–2004 · Graeme Eaton...............................7
Life Memberships – Allan Kerr Grant, Mary Grant, Lesley Gillanders ..........9
Tribute to Ken Cathie · Bill Taylor, Murray McAlister................................12
Foliar feeding works · Brian Clancy...........................................................14
Rhododendrons in the Pontic Alps · Ken Gillanders...................................18
Ken Gillanders – Award of Australia 2004 · Barry Davidson........................20
Good things come in small packages · Lesley Eaton....................................27
On the origin of Kurume azaleas · Satoshi Yamaguchi................................31
The Maddenia series · Alan Kepert............................................................33
New ways to control azalea lace bugs · Denis Crawford..............................37
An Oriental garden setting for your rhododendrons? · Barry Stagoll...........40
Sharing our knowledge · Alan Walker ........................................................49
The vireya collection at the NRG · Murray McAlister...............................51
A walk through the rhododendron forests of Nepal · Pam Watson..............55
New registrations 2003–2004 · Ken Gillanders...........................................59
Branch Information...................................................................................63

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A multi partnered project that has seen collection from the 10 north Queensland mountains where our endemic rhododendron species are.

Australian Cloud Forest Collection